PdfDictionaryDictionaryElements ClassTerminal Works - PDF Printing.Net Library
Represents the interface to the elements of a PDF dictionary.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: PdfEdit.Pdf
Assembly: PdfPrintingNet (in PdfPrintingNet.dll) Version: (

public sealed class DictionaryElements : IDictionary<string, PdfItem>, 
	ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, PdfItem>>, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, PdfItem>>, 
	IEnumerable, ICloneable

The PdfDictionaryDictionaryElements type exposes the following members.


Public methodAdd(KeyValuePairString, PdfItem)
Adds an item to the dictionary.
Public methodAdd(String, PdfItem)
Adds the specified value to the dictionary.
Public methodClear
Removes all elements from the dictionary.
Public methodClone
Creates a shallow copy of this object. The clone is not owned by a dictionary anymore.
Public methodContains
Determines whether the dictionary contains a specific value.
Public methodContainsKey
Determines whether the dictionary contains the specified name.
Public methodCopyTo
Copies the elements of the dictionary to an array, starting at a particular index.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetArray
Gets the PdfArray with the specified key, or null, if no such object exists. If the key refers to a reference, the referenced PdfArray is returned.
Public methodGetBoolean(String)
Converts the specified value to boolean. If the value does not exist, the function returns false. If the value is not convertible, the function throws an InvalidCastException.
Public methodGetBoolean(String, Boolean)
Converts the specified value to boolean. If the value does not exist, the function returns false. If the value is not convertible, the function throws an InvalidCastException.
Public methodGetDateTime
Converts the specified value to DateTime. If the value does not exist, the function returns the specified default value. If the value is not convertible, the function throws an InvalidCastException.
Public methodGetDictionary
Gets the PdfDictionary with the specified key, or null, if no such object exists. If the key refers to a reference, the referenced PdfDictionary is returned.
Public methodGetEncryptedValue
Converts the specified value to String. If the value does not exist, the function returns the empty string.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Returns an IDictionaryEnumerator object for the IDictionary object.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetInteger(String)
Converts the specified value to integer. If the value does not exist, the function returns 0. If the value is not convertible, the function throws an InvalidCastException.
Public methodGetInteger(String, Boolean)
Converts the specified value to integer. If the value does not exist, the function returns 0. If the value is not convertible, the function throws an InvalidCastException.
Public methodGetMatrix(String)
Public methodGetMatrix(String, Boolean)
Public methodGetName
Converts the specified value to a name. If the value does not exist, the function returns the empty string.
Public methodGetObject
Gets the PdfObject with the specified key, or null, if no such object exists. If the key refers to a reference, the referenced PdfObject is returned.
Public methodGetReal(String)
Converts the specified value to double. If the value does not exist, the function returns 0. If the value is not convertible, the function throws an InvalidCastException.
Public methodGetReal(String, Boolean)
Converts the specified value to double. If the value does not exist, the function returns 0. If the value is not convertible, the function throws an InvalidCastException.
Public methodGetRectangle(String)
Converts the specified value to PdfRectangle. If the value does not exist, the function returns an empty rectangle. If the value is not convertible, the function throws an InvalidCastException.
Public methodGetRectangle(String, Boolean)
Converts the specified value to PdfRectangle. If the value does not exist, the function returns an empty rectangle. If the value is not convertible, the function throws an InvalidCastException.
Public methodGetReference
Gets the PdfReference with the specified key, or null, if no such object exists.
Public methodGetString(String)
Converts the specified value to String. If the value does not exist, the function returns the empty string.
Public methodGetString(String, Boolean)
Converts the specified value to String. If the value does not exist, the function returns the empty string.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValue(String)
Short cut for GetValue(key, VCF.None).
Public methodGetValue(String, VCF)
Gets the value for the specified key. If the value does not exist, it is optionally created.
Public methodRemove(KeyValuePairString, PdfItem)
Removes the value with the specified key.
Public methodRemove(String)
Removes the value with the specified key.
Public methodSetBoolean
Sets the entry to a direct boolean value.
Public methodSetDateTime
Sets the entry to a direct datetime value.
Public methodSetInteger
Sets the entry to a direct integer value.
Public methodSetMatrix
Sets the entry to a direct matrix value, represented by an array with six values.
Public methodSetName
Sets the specified name value. If the value doesn't start with a slash, it is added automatically.
Public methodSetObject
Sets the entry to the specified object. The object must not be an indirect object, otherwise an exception is raised.
Public methodSetReal
Sets the entry to a direct double value.
Public methodSetRectangle
Sets the entry to a direct rectangle value, represented by an array with four values.
Public methodSetReference(String, PdfReference)
Sets the entry as a reference to the specified iref.
Public methodSetReference(String, PdfObject)
Sets the entry as a reference to the specified object. The object must be an indirect object, otherwise an exception is raised.
Public methodSetString
Sets the entry to a direct string value.
Public methodSetValue
Sets the entry with the specified value. DON'T USE THIS FUNCTION - IT MAY BE REMOVED.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTryGetString
Tries to get the string. TODO: more TryGet...
Public methodTryGetValue
Gets the value associated with the specified key.

Public propertyCount
Gets the number of elements contained in the dictionary.
Public propertyIsFixedSize
Return false.
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets a value indicating whether the IDictionary object is read-only.
Public propertyIsSynchronized
Return false.
Public propertyItemString
Gets or sets an entry in the dictionary. The specified key must be a valid PDF name starting with a slash '/'. This property provides full access to the elements of the PDF dictionary. Wrong use can lead to errors or corrupt PDF files.
Public propertyItemPdfName
Gets or sets an entry in the dictionary identified by a PdfName object.
Public propertyKeyNames
Gets all keys currently in use in this dictionary as an array of PdfName objects.
Public propertyKeys
Get all keys currently in use in this dictionary as an array of string objects.
Public propertySyncRoot
The current implementation returns null.
Public propertyValues
Gets all values currently in use in this dictionary as an array of PdfItem objects.
See Also
