With more than 30,000 customers, Terminalworks is one of the largest remote desktop scanning and printing solution providers worldwide. By offering intuitive tools with a simple and affordable licensing model, our products can work for anyone, from small offices to large cloud hosting providers.
Company Name: Terminalworks Ltd.
Main Office: Radnicka 45, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Accounting Office: Skrljevo 206/A, 51223 Skrljevo, Croatia
VAT: 89391085276
MBS: 040281304
IBAN: HR8224840081106049424
Board Members: Damir Šarčević, Đorđe Požega Registered at Commercial Court in Rijeka
US Sales Support Phone: +1 (407) 567-0097
US Technical Support Phone: +1 (407) 567-0096
Support: [email protected]
Sales: [email protected]
Behind every story there are people.
Overseeing overall daily company operations and being hands-on involved are his main and favorite tasks. Đorđe is one of the two founders of Terminalworks company and he's the one who always sets a vision and makes us all even more passionate about the work we do.
CEO Board member FounderCofounder
With his business mindset and always striving to do better, his ideas and experiments are great motivation for a company to improve itself. Maintaining deep knowledge of the markets and industry of the company is his main focus.
CEO Board member Founder
Head of Operations
Currently, in charge of both Sales/Support overseeing all deals made as well as keeping track of the testing department, organizing the open projects and prioritizing them.
Sales Manager
Leader of sales team tasked with hiring and training team members, as well as coordinating daily sales processes and managing high priority sales tickets.
Software Assurance Team Leader
Team leader of one of the special teams in Terminalworks company. The Software Assurance team requires special attention as it consists of our best support specialists and it's main task is to provide best possible support for our Software Assurance subscribers.
Quality Assurance
Responsible for the daily supervision and management of a team of quality assurance representatives. Designs and develops quality assurance test scripts and plans to improve internal testing processes.
Customer Success Team Lead
Quite important role of our support and sales departments as this role requires thorough knowledge of the company's products. His daily tasks consist of educating new members of Terminalworks team on the products available and stepping in when they are having trouble explaining something to a customer.
Project Manager
One of the most experienced members of the development team has a role of project manager and lead developer for several company products, including back-end development and coordinating front-end operations.
Project Manager
Maintaining and developing our flagship products is no easy task, but it's nothing what Ivan and his team cannot tackle with. Alongside our flagship products, Ivan is also tasked with making sure our mobile applications are running smoothly on all available mobile platforms.
Front-end developer and UI/UX designer
Responsible for making sure all of our websites and integrated website applications are running smooth for our users as well as paying close attention to our UI/UX design principles while designing them. Working on daily basis alongside our Design and Back-end team, makes Rea an essential member of our development team.
Contact us with any questions you have about our products or company, or with any issue that you maybe have. We will respond to any inquire in less than 24 hours. We are a small dedicated team of IT specialists, and all support calls are directly handled by our core team. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any question you may have. We will be glad to help you.