Microsoft has released New Azure AD connect with two new features, Pass Through Authentication and Seamless Sign On, Both of this features are still under preview but can be used. This post is all about the Single Sign On feature and how to use it with domain join or Azure AD join computers.
When password sync configured on office 365, it sync the Active directory password hash to azure active directory and when you are sign in to Office 365, you have to provide the same AD credentials. This is called Same Sign On. So it’s like two authentication systems with same credentials, if you changed the password on local active directory, its sync the password to cloud immediately. So this has removed you from managing two passwords in local AD and Office 365, but still you need to type user name and passwords when accessing Office 365 Portal or Outlook Application using domain join or none domain environments.
With the release of SSO feature in AD connect, users total login experience is changing to single sign on. They are no longer required to put the user name or password to access the Office 365 web portal. Also Outlook app no longer ask for the password and you don’t need to save the password in outlook.
How SSO works with Azure AD Connect
SSO is a new feature that you have to enable from AD connect tool. After enabling, account called AZUREADSSOACCT is created in the local active directory and the Kerberos decryption key is shared securely with Azure AD. In addition to this two Kerberos service principal names (SPNs) are created to represent the cloud URLs that are used during authentication between the client and Azure AD. This is a onetime process which is happening after you enable SSO.
Authentication process for Domain joined PC’s
Authentication for None Domain but Azure AD joined PC
Enable Modern Authentication
Modern authentication is required to enable from Office 365 tenant to experience the single sign on in Microsoft Outlook application. Also it enables sign-in features such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), SAML-based third-party Identity Providers with Office client applications, smart card and certificate-based authentication, and it removes the need for Outlook to use the basic authentication protocol.
By default Modern authentication is enabled to SharePoint Online. Exchange online and Skype for business is switched off. To use SSO feature you have to enable this from PowerShell.
Enable Modern Authentication for Exchange Online
Get-OrganizationConfig | Format-Table -Auto Name,OAuth*
Enable Modern Authentication for Skype for Business
$credential = Get-Credential
$session = New-CsOnlineSession -Credential $credential
Import-PSSession $session
Get-CsOAuthConfiguration | select *Adal*
Set-CsOAuthConfiguration -ClientAdalAuthOverride Allowed
In the client side, Modern authentication is enabled for Office 2016. You can use that version without any changes, but if you are using Office 2013 there is a registry key that you need to change.
Client Experience Domain Joined PC
Add end points to the Intranet Zone
Following two URL’s need to be added to the intranet zone of the browser. Best way to do this is to create a group policy and deploy from the domain.
Testing the Experience
Note – if the domain join computer access the emails from outside the corporate network, public internet. Office 365 portal will ask the password.
Client Experience Azure AD Joined
Most of the large organizations having computers that are not joined to the Active directory domain. Also some organization finding ways how to stay separated from domain join environments because the lack of connectivity to the datacenters. For those environments Azure AD join is useful option. It is not an alternate to the Domain environment but some features like SSO for cloud services can be archived.
You can enable AD connect SSO feature to the Azure AD joined environments. User experience is much superior to the domain join environment because not only the password, it does not ask for the user name when you login to the
Note – Password sync is not mandatory, you can use without password sync
Testing the Experience
Follow the same steps above in an Azure AD joined computer. The experiences would be the same and User name will not be asked when you are login to the
Final thoughts
If you want to know more information about how the SSO works and the technology behind that please follow the following URL’s.
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