- added rotation flag for printing. Supported values are 0, 90, 180 and 270.
- avoid Adobe confirmation dialog when using /adobe switch
- improved printing engine
- /watch folder didn't work correctly when many files were dropped at the same time in the watched folder
- improvements in pdf printing engine
- Range now accepts "fromPage-" format. If endPage is not set it will print all pages starting with fromPage.EIGENSCHAFTEN
- Added "Auto" option to /SetSize for default printing engineFEHLERBEHEBUNG
- the overprint wasn't printed correctlyFEHLERBEHEBUNG
- correctly print JPG images even if their color space is incorrectEIGENSCHAFTEN
- small improvements in printing engineFEHLERBEHEBUNG
- removed workaround switch /inverseform because it isn't needed anymoreEIGENSCHAFTEN
- added switch /inverseform which is used as a workaround for the rare cases when printing of AdobeForms doesn't work correctlyFEHLERBEHEBUNG
- memory leak in converting PDF page to BW imageEIGENSCHAFTEN
- added parameter /ColorBits. It is used in converting PDF page to color images. Possible values are 24 or 32. 32 is default.EIGENSCHAFTEN
- better printing speed for some printersEIGENSCHAFTEN
- new switches: /extra, /watchdelay, /showversionFEHLERBEHEBUNG
- improved default printing engineFEHLERBEHEBUNG
- It didn't work on Win 2016 [Fixed]FEHLERBEHEBUNG
- If .pdf document is downloaded from web browser /watch flag didn't print it (Fixed)EIGENSCHAFTEN
- Values for parameters aren't any more case sensitive, leading and trailing spaces are ignored. Exception for that is PrinterName parameter which is still case and space sensitive.EIGENSCHAFTEN
- Added logging functionalityFEHLERBEHEBUNG
- Improvements in default printing engineEIGENSCHAFTEN
- Improved stabiliy and quality in Printing engineFEHLERBEHEBUNG
- Corrected Buy Now link on License registration dialogFEHLERBEHEBUNG
- Improved print quality and stabilityFEHLERBEHEBUNG
- Default printing orientation is again AutoRotate (as it was to previous version before
- Better stability in default printing engineEIGENSCHAFTEN
- Added support for .net framework 4.0FEHLERBEHEBUNG
- Re-added /pagenumber switchEIGENSCHAFTEN
- improved validation of parametersFEHLERBEHEBUNG
- HardwareID now shows all flags and contains version of the programFEHLERBEHEBUNG
- Register dialog / License Info for demo licences now shows correct trial periodFEHLERBEHEBUNG
Resolved a bug with main printing engineEIGENSCHAFTEN
- Added new printing engine. Old one is used by adding /useengine1 switchEIGENSCHAFTEN
- Added /pdffolder switchEIGENSCHAFTEN
- Added /order switchEIGENSCHAFTEN
- Added /watch switchEIGENSCHAFTEN
- Added /convert switchBitte werfen Sie einen Blick auf die Liste unten, um Informationen zu unterstützten Remote Desktop-Technologien und Betriebssystemen zu erhalten.
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, Windows Embedded, Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012 / 2012 R2, 2008 / 2008 R2, 2003 / 2003 R2
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