For detailed instructions on how to apply the license please see Licensing - how to apply license in our reference documentation.
For more details on a translation please see Translating UI and messages
You can use one of the already built-in themes or you can create your custom theme.
For more details on how to change the theme please see Changing the theme in our reference documentation.
To find out how to create your own custom theme, please see Creating custom CSS theme in our reference documentation.
It will work, but it isn't possible to use a different CSS theme. CSS viewer theme is loaded per page and affects all the instances.
The main font used by the component is Arial.
The fallback fonts are: Verdana, Helvetica, Tahoma, Helvetica Neue, -apple-system, Liberation Sans
For more details please see Managing fonts in our reference documentation.
@using TWWebCorePdfViewer.Pages.Shared;
param-Options='@new TWWebCorePdfViewer.Options {
ViewerType = TWWebCorePdfViewer.ViewerTypes.MultiPageViewer,
IsZoomFitToPage = true,
ShowBookmarksOnOpen = true,
BookmarksFullyExpanded = false,
Tooltips = new TWWebCorePdfViewer.Tooltips
OpenBtn = "Open a document"
DocumentUrl = "test-pdf/pdfprint-manual.pdf"
}' />
@using TWWebCorePdfViewer.Pages.Shared
@code { private TWWebCorePdfViewer.Options options = new TWWebCorePdfViewer.Options { ViewerType = TWWebCorePdfViewer.ViewerTypes.MultiPageViewer, IsZoomFitToPage = true, ShowBookmarksOnOpen = true, BookmarksFullyExpanded = false, Tooltips = new TWWebCorePdfViewer.Tooltips { OpenBtn = "Open a document" }, DocumentUrl = "test-pdf/pdfprint-manual.pdf" }; }
For a detailed explanation of how to open document automatically please see How to open document automatically in our reference documentation.
For a detailed explanation of how to switch between single and multi page view please see Switching between single and multi page view in our reference documentation.
For a detailed explanation of how to set available zoom options please see Setting available zoom options in our reference documentation.
For a detailed explanation of how to set available toolbar options please see Setting available toolbar options in our reference documentation.
For a detailed explanation of how to enable or disable text selection please see How to enable or disable text selection in our reference documentation.
For a detailed explanation of how to change or translate component built-in texts please see How to change or translate component built-in texts in our reference documentation.
For a detailed explanation of how to set available find options please see Setting available find options in our reference documentation.
For a detailed explanation of how to set available bookmark options please see Setting available bookmarks options in our reference documentation.
To see what you should be aware of when it comes to Internet Explorer 11 please see IE11-specifics in our reference documentation.
For a detailed explanation on all available Blazor component and Blazor rendering modes, including WebAssembly please see Blazor component and Blazor rendering modes in our reference documentation.
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