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ASP.NET Core PDF Viewer - JavaScript Examples

Different examples how to use ASP.NET Core PDF Viewer from JavaScript

Viewer initialization event and custom viewer events

Before any usage of the viewer JS istance, the viewer must be initialized.
When that happens, event twWiewerInitialized is raised.
That is the recommended place to add triggers for viewer's custom events.

Viewer component exposes some custom javascript events.
Every of its event has a detail property.

Name of custom events and properties of its detail property:
pageRendered: pageNum, doc
allVisiblePagesRendered: doc
allPagesInitialized: doc
loadDocumentError: reason, url, file, evt
pageRenderedForPrint: pageNum, doc
allPagesRenderedForPrint: doc
printingCanceled: doc
pageRenderedForPrint: pageNum, doc

document.addEventListener("twWiewerInitialized", function (evt) { const viewerApp =; viewerApp.viewerDiv.addEventListener("pageRendered", function (evt) { console.log(`page number:${evt.detail.pageNum} for document ${evt.detail.doc} has been rendered.`); }); viewerApp.viewerDiv.addEventListener("allVisiblePagesRendered", function (evt) { console.log("allVisiblePagesRendered", evt); }); viewerApp.viewerDiv.addEventListener("allPagesInitialized", function (evt) { console.log("allPagesInitialized", evt); }); viewerApp.viewerDiv.addEventListener("documentReleased", function (evt) { console.log("documentReleased", evt); }); viewerApp.viewerDiv.addEventListener("pagePrinted", function (evt) { console.log("pagePrinted", evt.detail); }); });

Retrieve web viewer JS instance by ID

const viewerId = 'yourViewerId'; const viewer = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getViewer(viewerId); if (!viewer) { console.log(`viewer with id ${viewerId} not found.`); } else { console.log(`viewer with id ${viewerId} found.`); }

NOTE viewer instance is ready for safely usage only after event twWiewerInitialized.

Retrieve all web viewer JS instances

const viewers = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getActiveViewers(); for(let i=0; i < viewers.length;i++) { console.log(`viewer with id ${viewers[i].id}`); }

NOTE viewer instance is ready for safely usage only after event twWiewerInitialized.

Load document after the web page is completely rendered

If the PDF is really big, it could take some time to load a PDF and it can influence negatively Google Page Speed ranking.
If that is the case, you can execute this code to load your document after the DOMContentLoaded event.

document.addEventListener("twWiewerInitialized", function (event) { const viewer =; viewer.addEventListener("pageRendered", function (evt) { console.log(`page number:${evt.detail.pageNum} for document ${evt.detail.doc} has been rendered.`); }); // optional custom load document events viewer.addEventListener("allVisiblePagesRendered", function (evt) { console.log("allVisiblePagesRendered", evt.detail.doc); }); viewer.addEventListener("allPagesInitialized", function (evt) { console.log("allPagesInitialized", evt.detail.doc); }); viewer.addEventListener("loadDocumentError", function (evt) { console.log("loadDocumentError", evt.detail.url, evt.detail.reason, evt.detail.file, evt.detail.evt); }); viewer.loadDocumentFromUrl("test-pdf/pdfprint-manual.pdf"); // alternatives for load: // viewer.loadDocumentFromFile(file, password, viewer); // viewer.openThroughDialog(); //if you want to hide open document button from the toolbar viewer.toolbar.isOpenVisible = false; });

Close PDF document

const viewer = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getViewer('yourViewerId'); viewer.releasePdfDoc(); //if you want to hide open document button from the toolbar viewer.toolbar.isCloseVisible = false;1

Download loaded PDF document

const viewer = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getViewer('yourViewerId'); viewer.downloadDocument(); //if you want to hide download document button from the toolbar viewer.toolbar.isDownloadVisible = false;

Get all available built-in themes

const themes = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getBuiltInThemes(); for(let i=0; i< themes.length; i++) { console.log(`theme name:${themes[i]}`); }

Change viewer theme by built-in name


Change viewer theme by URL


NOTE Changing a viewer theme affects all viewer instances on the page.

Page navigation

const viewer = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getViewer('yourViewerId'); // let assume that you have already loaded a document with at least 3 pages console.log(`Number of pages:${viewer.pdfDocument.pages.length}'); console.log(`Current page number:${viewer.currentPageNumber}'); viewer.gotoPage(2); viewer.nextPage(); // it will go to page 3 viewer.previousPage(); // it will go to page 2 viewer.prevVisited(); // it will go to page 3 viewer.nextVisited(); // it will go to page 2 //if you want to hide some or all page navigation from the toolbar viewer.toolbar.isNextPageVisible = false; viewer.toolbar.isPreviousPageVisible = false; viewer.toolbar.isNextVisitedVisible = false; viewer.toolbar.isPreviousVisitedVisible = false; viewer.toolbar.isPageNumberVisible = false;

Setting search options

const viewer = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getViewer('yourViewerId'); viewer.toolbar.findOptions.wholeWord = true; viewer.toolbar.findOptions.caseSensitive = true; viewer.toolbar.findOptions.highlightAll = true; //if you want to hide search field on the toolbar viewer.toolbar.isSearchVisible = false;

NOTE In current version isn't possible to execute find directly from JS or navigate to previous or next find.
If your use-case scenario needs it, please contact us with the details about your use case and we will try to add it.

Print document

const viewer = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getViewer('yourViewerId'); //optional available print events viewer.addEventListener('pageRenderedForPrint', function(event) { console.log(`Page rendered for print. Document:${event.detail.doc} page number:${event.detail.pageNum}`); }); viewer.addEventListener('allPagesRenderedForPrint', function(event) { console.log(`All pages rendered for print. Document:${event.detail.doc}`); }); viewer.addEventListener('printingCanceled', function(event) { console.log(`Printing cancelled. Document:${event.detail.doc}`); }); // we assume that you have already loaded a PDF document viewer.print(); // it will open a new window and execute the print // if you want to hide print button from the toolbar viewer.toolbar.isPrintVisible = false;


const viewer = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getViewer('yourViewerId'); // available bookmarks options viewer.bookmarkLayer.bookmarksFullyExpanded = true; viewer.bookmarkLayer.showBookmarksOnOpen = false; viewer.bookmarkLayer.preserveBookmarksState = true; // we assume that you have already loaded a PDF document and that document has bookmarks console.log('All bookmarks:', viewer.bookmarkLayer.allBookmarks);; // if you want to hide to the visitor show bookmarks button set this to false viewer.toolbar.isBookmarksVisible = false;

Document info properties

const viewer = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getViewer('yourViewerId'); viewer.showDocumentProperties(); // ... viewer.closeDocumentProperties(); // if you want to hide to the visitor show document info button set this to false viewer.toolbar.isDocumentInfoVisible = false;

NOTE In current version isn't possible to get document properties object directly from JS.
But, if your use-case scenario needs it, please contact us with the details about your use case and we will try to add it.

Page rotation

const viewer = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getViewer('yourViewerId'); viewer.rotateClockwise(); // rotate for 90 degrees viewer.rotateCounterClockwise(); // rotate for -90 degrees // you can hide rotation buttons from the toolbar viewer.toolbar.isRotateClockwiseVisible = false; viewer.toolbar.isRotateCounterClockwiseVisible = false;

Single page VS Multi page view

const viewer = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getViewer('yourViewerId'); viewer.activateSinglePageView(); // ... viewer.activateMultiPageView(); // you can hide view buttons from the toolbar viewer.toolbar.isSingleViewVisible = false; viewer.toolbar.isMultiViewVisible = false;


const viewer = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getViewer('yourViewerId'); //available zoom levels for the loaded document are based //on the size of the PDF document console.log(viewer.zoomService.zoomLevels); //max zoom value for the loaded document console.log(viewer.zoomService.getMaxZoomValue()); //increases zoom level viewer.zoomService.zoomIn(); //decreases zoom level viewer.zoomService.zoomOut(); //set zoom value to specific value viewer.zoomService.setZoomValue(65); console.log('Current scale', viewer.zoomService.currentScale); // you can hide zoom functionality from the toolbar viewer.toolbar.isZoomInVisible = false; viewer.toolbar.isZoomOutVisible = false; viewer.toolbar.isZoomDropDownVisible = false;

Page text extraction and text selection

const viewer = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getViewer('yourViewerId'); //disable text selection viewer.disableSelection(true); // extract all text from the 1st page const pageText = viewer.getPageTextContent(1);

NOTE In current version isn't possible to get already selected text or to select some text directly from JS.
But, if your use-case scenario needs it, please contact us with the details about your use case and we will try to add it.

Retrieve viewer by ID

const viewer = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getViewer(viewerId); if (!viewer) { console.log(`viewer with id ${viewerId} not found.`); } else { console.log(`viewer with id ${viewerId} found.`); }

Retrieve all viewers

const viewers = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getActiveViewers(); for (let i = 0; i < viewers.length; i++) { console.log(`viewer with id ${viewers[i].id}`); }

A few load document event examples

const viewer = window.TWPdfViewerUtil.getViewer(viewerId); viewer.viewerDiv.addEventListener("pageRendered", function (evt) { console.log( `page number:${evt.detail.pageNum} for document ${evt.detail.doc} has been rendered.` ); }); // optional custom load document events viewer.viewerDiv.addEventListener("allVisiblePagesRendered", function (evt) { console.log("allVisiblePagesRendered", evt.detail.doc); }); viewer.viewerDiv.addEventListener("allPagesInitialized", function (evt) { console.log("allPagesInitialized", evt.detail.doc); }); viewer.viewerDiv.addEventListener("loadDocumentError", function (evt) { console.log( "loadDocumentError", evt.detail.url, evt.detail.reason, evt.detail.file, evt.detail.evt ); }); viewer.loadDocumentFromUrl("test-pdf/pdfprint-manual.pdf"); // alternatives for load: // viewer.loadDocumentFromFile(file, password, viewer); // viewer.openThroughDialog(); // if you want to hide open document button from the toolbar viewer.toolbar.isOpenVisible = false;

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