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Steps for using TWPdfViewer component in MVC

  1. In your HTML section of the page, you will need to add 2 CSS links.

    File location: Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml

    HTML example
      <!-- your other head content -->
      @RenderSection("Head", required: false)

    File location: Views\Home\{YOUR_VIEW}.cshtml (e.g. Index.cshtml)

    HTML example
    @section Head {
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_content/Terminalworks.PdfViewer.AspNetCore/css/tw-pdf-viewer.css" />
      <link rel="stylesheet" id='tw-web-theme' href="/_content/Terminalworks.PdfViewer.AspNetCore/css/themes/light/tw-pdf-viewer-theme.css" />

    tw-pdf-viewer.css is a general CSS of TWPdfViewer and we recommend that you don't change it.
    tw-pdf-viewer-theme.css is theme specific.
    You can read more about changing theme at Changing the theme

  2. Add needed Javascript as shown in the example below

    File location: Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml

    HTML example
      <!-- your other head content -->
      @RenderSection("Scripts", required: false)

    File location: Views\Home\{YOUR_VIEW}.cshtml (e.g. Index.cshtml)

    HTML example
      <!-- your other body content -->
      @section Scripts {
        <script src='/_content/Terminalworks.PdfViewer.AspNetCore/js/pdf.js'></script>
        <script src='/_content/Terminalworks.PdfViewer.AspNetCore/js/tw_viewer.js'></script>
  3. Add the component to your page

    File location: Views\Home\{YOUR_VIEW}.cshtml (e.g. Index.cshtml)

    @using TWWebCorePdfViewer.Pages.Shared;

    For examples how to set initial parameters look at Viewer options

See Also
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